Amos Painting Services
34 Silvertop Close
Wallan 3756
Looking for a professional painter?
Established in 1983, the Amos Painting Services team guarantees a fantastic finish on every job, big or small.
Our team of experienced and qualified painters are located in the Kilmore area, and have been members of the Master Painters Association for over 30 years.
If your place needs a spruce up, we can help you with:
- New home painting
- Domestic and commercial buildings
- Airless and H.V.L.P sparing
- General painting and colour advice
- Wallpapering
- Roof painting, coating, sealing, tile replacement, and gutter cleaning
- Concrete cleaning, sealing, coating, line marking, and decorative laying
At Amos Painting Services we care about your painting job and we will work closely with you to achieve the highest quality work, every time.
Call us today for your free quote!